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The ShroomRoom is an easy-to-assemble indoor mushroom cultivation tent that creates a dedicated, climate-controlled grow space for mushrooms of all types.


The ShroomRoom is an easy-to-assemble indoor mushroom cultivation tent that creates a dedicated, climate-controlled grow space for mushrooms of all types. This “Martha Tent” style grow space includes a drip tray, a bottom half shelf to accommodate an internal humidifier, and a top shelf large enough for an internal fan.


The ShroomRoom makes it easy to grow any type of mushroom in trays and bags, and excels where mushrooms need consistent humidity and fresh air exchange during fruiting. 


With mushroom grow bags, fresh air exchange and humidification can be tedious and difficult to manage, and in-bag fruiting can lead to lower and less consistent yields for certain species. 


External fruiting is ideal for mushrooms like Oyster & Lion’s Mane, which grow optimally through small punctures in colonized fruiting blocks and require significant fresh air and humidity to optimize yields. Flat tray growing species & dung-loving mushrooms also excel with additional fresh air and humidity, increasing yields and decreasing stem length for more numerous, potent fruits

ShroomRoom: Mushroom Grow Tent

    • Easy-to-assemble indoor mushroom cultivation tent
    • Accommodates internal fan or humidifier
    • Perfect for cultivating mushrooms in trays or bags
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